ESU President Update

Networking and mentoring are two critical enablers to a successful life after school, particularly when it comes to our careers. We all choose different pathways and work plays a different role for everyone, but regardless of our choices, our networks are a vital part of building connections, gathering information, finding opportunities and progressing through our chosen path.

Through networking or other avenues, we also may gain access to the valuable wisdom and advice that can be secured through the relationship with mentors. As Pymble Alumni, we all have access to a rich and diverse network, with the potential for mentoring support. The 2024 Alumni Networking Event in held in May was testament to the fabulous success and diversity of Pymble Alumni.

The Ex-Students’ Union was active in the preparation and lead up to the event and, as President, I had the honour of facilitating one of the panels. A highlight of the evening for the Ex-Students’ Union Committee was witnessing the buzz as attendees moved through the various activities, potentially building their own networks. We were also thrilled to have some new members join the Ex-Students’ Union Committee on the evening. 

Looking ahead, we are busy organising Commemoration Day on Sunday July 28. This is always a beautiful Chapel Ceremony, and all are welcome. Preparations are also underway for the Garden Party as we look to continue to build on the success of the traditional chicken sandwich and champagne stall with our strawberries with whipped cream. 

The Ex-Students’ Union is represented by a diverse group of former students who each bring a unique skill set and make a valuable contribution to the committee. We are all passionate about a constructive and ongoing relationship with the College as well as cementing relationships amongst the Pymble Alumni. Our working backgrounds are diverse including insurance, corporate governance, not-for-profit, marketing and communications, business analytics, education, retail and full-time post-graduate students. We have an extremely collaborative and supportive culture that allows us all to balance busy lives, working, caring for families and volunteering. We all find our work on the Ex-Students’ Union to be rewarding and interesting. 

If you are interested in joining the Ex-Students’ Union Committee, we welcome new members and have plenty of ideas and work to go around. Please feel free to reach out to myself or other committee members. 

Rowena Ditzell: 

Samantha Seaton: 

Amy Graham: 

Victoria Muller: 

Rowena Ditzell (1986)
ESU President