Happy 100th birthday Bettina Gillies!
Bettina Gillies (Love, 1942)
A very happy 100th birthday to Bettina Gillies (nee Love) who attended Pymble Ladies’ College from 1935 to 1942. In her final year Bettina was a Prefect, Head of Marden House, Class Captain and was awarded the Bronze Medallion for Conduct, Labour and Play. A talented athlete, Bettina won the All Schools’ Senior Championship for running and was a member of the Firsts Hockey Team in her graduating year.
During her time at Pymble, Bettina’s closest friends were Margaret Royle (nee Poole) and Dorothy Betty (nee Worrall). After school, Bettina went on to study physiotherapy at Sydney University and worked in London and Sydney after graduation.
Bettina maintained her connection with the College, sitting on the Old Girls’ Committee with close friend Dorothy as president. The Pymble connection continued with her two daughters Melinda Long (Gillies,1975) and Catriona Lawson (Gillies,1969) attending the College from Kindergarten to Year 12.
Bettina is still living at home but is not quite so sporty these days!
Are there any more centenarians in our community? We, and Bettina, would love to hear from you if so! Please reach out to Katrina Corcoran, Alumni Relations Manager at kcorcoran@pymblelc.nsw.edu.au.