ESU President Update

2024 has continued to be busy for the Ex-Students’ Union (ESU).

Following our successful Garden Party stall in September, we prepared for our 95th Annual General Meeting which took place on Monday 18 November 2024 at the College.

Our 2025 Committee Members were elected as follows:

President: Rowena Ditzell
Vice-Presidents: Victoria Muller, Amy Graham
Treasurer: Susan O’Sullivan
Secretary: Louise Kellaway
General Committee Members: Zoe Wang, Natalie Reid, Kris Graham.

We welcome two new members to the General Committee in 2025: Jenny Makeham and Jane Makeham.

Over the last twelve months, the ESU Committee, in partnership with the College, has undertaken a rigorous review of our legal and governance structure, our Constitution and the evolving regulatory, political and legislative landscape. During the review period we have identified increasing complexities to our structure, a difficulty in remaining current with best governance practices and ongoing legal and accounting implications for our volunteer committee members.

Since July, the Committee has run three consultation sessions with members regarding these potential changes to our structure and constitution. The meetings have been well attended and have included interesting debate. We have also sought independent legal advice to determine our course of action. Over the last few months, we have been reviewing draft documents that will underpin our new structure including an updated Constitution and Relationship Charter with the College. We are planning further member consultation for Quarter 1, 2025 so look out for communications on this if you are interested in participating.  We look forward to delivering a reinvigorated ex-student offering in partnership with the College in 2025.

Rowena Ditzell (1986)
ESU President